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Seminar with Vice President Toshimitsu Arakaki, Hanshi, 10th Dan, September 2019 (Updated  May 2019)

Seminar with Toshimitsu Arakaki, 10th Dan, Hanshi on 20 and 21 September 2019 for members of the World Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-do Association.  Seminar hosted by Westminster Matsubayashi Karate Club’s and Marsha Lauko and Ed French and supported by Fred Christian, 8th Dan, Kyoshi.   Located in Belleville, Illinois about 10 miles east of St Louis Mo., just off interstate 64.  If you are interested in attending or get additional information, or registration form or questions email matsu-seminar@pobox.com or call Mr. Fred Christian at 618-397-8747 or Mr. Ed French 618-830-8192.

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Overseas WMKA Member David Troup’s Okinawa Trip

From March 19th to the 29th I had the tremendous joy of training in and around Naha, Okinawa— a trip that not only revealed to me untold new understandings of fundamental kihon, kata, bunkai, and yakusoku kumite, but also brought to life karate history and culture in a fascinating and most unexpected way.

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東海地区本部主催 「松林流空手道セミナーin浜松」Hamamatsu Japan Seminar with sensei Iwao Tome Hanshi 9th Dan in April 2019

東海地区本部主催 「松林流空手道セミナーin浜松」 日時:平成31年4月20日(土)13~16時 浜松市武道館/4月21日(日) 13~16時 南部協働センター 講師:當銘岩雄 範士9段 眞喜志哲雄 錬士6段 / 招聘団体:世界松林流空手道連盟 東海地区本部 道場主:小波藏政昭 教士8段・安達猛 錬士6段・壬生進紀 錬士6段・塚本勝博 錬士6段 セミナー内容:松林流18の形の動作の確認・解釈. 初日会場:浜松市武道館 www.city.hamamatsu.shizuoka.jp/maps/c-budou.html  2日目会場:南部協働センター https://www.mb.eprs.jp/contents/facilities/2060/indeex.html  問い合わせ先:小波藏政昭 (Eメールmkohagura@leaf.ocn.ne.jp)携帯電話 090-6094-7876)     Hamamatsu Japan Seminar with sensei Iwao Tome Hanshi 9th Dan in April 2019 Japan Tokai District seminar with Iwao Tome Hanshi 9th dan & Tetsuo Makishi Renshi 6 th dan will be held on 20 and 21 April 2019 at Hamamatsu city in Shizuoka prefecture. The seminar is hosted by Masaaki Kohagura Kyoshi 8the dan and other 3 Renshi 6th dan dojo owners in Tokai District. If you are interesting in the seminar and Hamamatsu city, please email to Mr. Masaaki Kohagura and visit Hamamatsu city website shown in Japanese version.

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Canadian Seminar With Vice President Toshimitsu Arakaki, Hanshi 10th Dan, May 2019

Attention WMKA members: Anshin school karate is proud to present training sessions and seminar with Arakaki Sensei 10th Dan Hanshi, WMKA Vice President. Sensei will arrive in Canada May 24th. Classes will be held from May 26th to the 31th. The  seminar will be on June 1st from 10 AM to 4 PM. All WMKA Members are welcome please contact Stephen Trombley at sensei@anshindojo.com for further information      

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New Year’s Greeting from the President

Dear WMKA members from around the world,  A Happy New Year! Shin-nen akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! I congratulate you all in welcoming a bright new year wherever you are living now. We are celebrating a wonderful new year with our families, friends and communities here in Okinawa.

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USA Seminar in San Jose, California with Toshimitsu Arakaki, Hanshi July 20-July 22, 2018

The next USA Matsubayashi Seminar will be held in San Jose, California from July 20, 2018 through July 22, 2018. The seminar will include kihon drills, specific kata review and corrections, kata applications, Sotai Renshu drills and instruction in bo Kata. Arakaki Sensei will be sharing his insights on kata and various new aspects of traditional karate.

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