Dear WMKA members,
We are cancelling the “Monument Unveiling” for Founder Shoshin Nagamine in November this year due to the current situation relating to the Corona virus vaccination status and because of immigration control restrictions in Japan that are difficult to predict for the near future. The completed vaccination ratio in Japan is only around 2% of all the people of Japan, including the workers in the medical field and the elderly people (aged 65 and above). The government plans to complete vaccinations for the elderly people by the end of July. Vaccination for the rest of the people ages 16 to 64 will start after that, but the beginning and completion dates are not yet clear. The Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games committees have decided to open without any spectators from overseas. We value the Okinawan proverb which says “Life is a Treasure”, which is pronounced “Nuchi du Takara” in the Okinawan dialect. We have canceled the Monument Unveiling ceremony and Karate-do seminar with the expectation that many WMKA members from around the world should feel safe when they come to Okinawa for the next events in due time.
The Construction of the Memorial Monument will start in September as we had planned and will be completed by the end of October this year. After the construction work is finished, a Consecration Ceremony for the Monument will be performed by a few attendees from Okinawa General Headquarters. We still plan to hold a Commemorative Ceremony for the monument honoring Founder Shoshin Nagamine in due time after the Covid-19 pandemic is under control around the world. We will call on the WMKA members from around the world as well as karate related officials in Okinawa prefecture to attend the events. We are looking forward to meeting many WMKA members in Okinawa at the Commemorative ceremony.
The covid-19 virus infection is still raging all over the world, so please refrain from unnecessary and non-urgent outings and protect yourself and the people around you. We will continue to do the same in Okinawa. We hope that the new corona virus vaccination will bring the world back to our daily lives with peace of mind.
Best regards,
President Yoshitaka Taira
World Matsubayashi-ryu Karate-do Association