WMKA 2020 Worldwide Virtual Event and Memorial Tribute to Grandmaster Shoshin Nagamine 

September 27, 2020: News Notification from Okinawa

WMKA 2020 Worldwide Virtual Event and Memorial Tribute to Grandmaster Shoshin Nagamine 

 Dear WMKA members,

The COVID-19 disease (Coronavirus) is still hurting many people around the world. I hope all of you and the people around you are not affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

 We are glad to announce the “WMKA 2020 Worldwide Virtual Event and Memorial Tribute to Grandmaster Shoshin Nagamine” which will be held twice on November 1st at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Okinawa local time. November 1st was the originally scheduled date for “The Memorial Monument Unveiling & Celebration for Founder Shoshin Nagamine” in Okinawa. All Events were postponed to 2021.

 We are very thankful for all WMKA members around the world because “WMKA 2020 Worldwide Virtual Event and Memorial Tribute to Grandmaster Shoshin Nagamine “was proposed by overseas members not from Okinawa. 

First Zoom Online Workout: November 1st  8:00 am Okinawa time
The 8 am event will feature a speech and special karate instruction by WMKA president Yoshitaka Taira (Hanshi 10th dan).

Second Zoom Online Workout: November 1st 8:00 pm Okinawa time.
The 8 pm event will feature a speech and special Karate instruction by Vice-president Toshimitsu Arakaki (Hanshi 10th dan).

Please refer to your time zone and select your convenient time to participate for either the 8 am or the 8 pm event according to your country’s location. You may participate in both events if convenient for you!

All dojo owners will be mailed registration information and Zoom Links.
The registration links will be provided to you by your Sensei/DojoOwner.

Note to Dojo Owners- Event registration will be only for WMKA/EMKA member dojos and the students of WMKA/EMKA Dojos. Please share the registration links only with your students.
If you do not receive your link by October 4th, 2020, please contact WMKA website administrator Fred Schlesinger

Please watch the WMKA Website “News” for further details coming soon!

 The most valuable policy is “Nuchi-du Takara” in Okinawan dialect, which means “Life is a Treasure”. 

Please refer to the following safety policy in your daily life and attend the Zoom online Workout.

  1. Please follow the Covid-19 safety instruction in your country and your local municipality.
  2. Please refer to the attached “Avoid the ‘The Three Cs”!” issued by Japanese Government for preventing Covid-19 if you think it will help with your precautions.

 Although we don’t want to see and hear about Covid-19 infections and deaths, we do have to know the current situation to protect ourselves and the people around us. Therefore, we posted the table of Covid-19 status.  

We expect to meet you at” November 1st t “Zoom Online Workouts” on November 1, 2020 (Okinawa date) and “The Memorial Monument Unveiling and Celebration for Shoshin Nagamine in Okinawa” next year.

Best Regards,
Yoshitaka Taira, President of  the WMKA 

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
<Last updated status September 22, 2020 >

Total Coronavirus cases 31,480,487 and Total Deaths 969,237

M=Million population

No Country Name Total Cases Total Deaths Death/M No Country Name Total cases Total Deaths Death/M
1. Okinawa  2,358 45 31 11 Netherland 95,995 6,281 366
2 Japan  79,140 1,500 12 12 New Zealand 1,815 25 5
3 Australia 26,912 851 33 13 Norway 13,005 267 49
4 Canada 145,415 9,228 244 14 Spain 671,468 30,663 656
5 Cuba 5,141 116 10 15 U S A  7,046.216 204,506 617
6 United Kingdom 398,625 41,788 615 16 Argentina 640,147 13,482 298
7 France  458,061 31,338 480 17 Uruguay 1,927 46 13
8 Germany  275,551 9,481 113 18 Brazil 4,560,083 137,350 645
9 India 5,560,105 88,965 64 19 Chile 447,468 12,298 642
10 Ireland 33,121 1,792 362


  1. I borrowed one of the Website released information just to show the countries of WMKA member around the world.
  2. The order of the country is based on the WMKA Website Dojo Page country order.
  3. If you find any mistakes in the table, please correct it and let us know it.
    Refer to the attached leaflet: Avoid the “Three Cs“

Three masters (L-R Tome sensei ・Taira sensei・Arakaki sensei・) at Okinawa Prefetural Hall Of Martial Arts during The Memorial Karate-do Events for Soke Takayoshi Nagmine in 2014

Memorial picture for the 85th year party of Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine and Soke Takayoshi Nagmine on September 1st 1991



Posted in Matsubayashi-ryu.