Seminar with Toshimitsu Arakaki, 10th Dan, Hanshi on 20 and 21 September 2019 for members of the World Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-do Association. Seminar hosted by Westminster Matsubayashi Karate Club’s and Marsha Lauko and Ed French and supported by Fred Christian, 8th Dan, Kyoshi. Located in Belleville, Illinois about 10 miles east of St Louis Mo., just off interstate 64. If you are interested in attending or get additional information, or registration form or questions email or call Mr. Fred Christian at 618-397-8747 or Mr. Ed French 618-830-8192.

Seminar with Vice President Toshimitsu Arakaki, Hanshi, 10th Dan, September 2019 (Updated May 2019)
Posted in Matsubayashi-ryu.