Dear WMKA members from around the world,
A Happy New Year! Shin-nen akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! I congratulate you all in welcoming a bright new year wherever you are living now. We are celebrating a wonderful new year with our families, friends and communities here in Okinawa.
At the beginning of this year, I am happy to announce the erection of the Memorial Monument for our Founder Shoshin Nagamine in 2020. This has been the biggest dream of WMKA. The Okinawa headquarters decided on a plan known as the “Okinawa 2020 Project” and will host a “Karate-do Seminar” from October 31 to November 1, along with “The Memorial Monument Unveiling and Celebration Ceremony” on November 2nd, which is the anniversary date of the late Founder Shoshin Nagamine’s passing. Although details of the venues are not yet decided upon, we will post all information on the WMKA & EMKA Website when we have all of the answers. I strongly wish that you all will participate in the “Okinawa 2020 Project” and meet the Founder Shoshin Nagamine next year.
The “Tokyo 2020 Olympics” will be opened from July to August next year.
“The first Okinawa Karate International Tournament “was successfully completed in August last year. Approximately 1,200 karate enthusiasts participated in “Kata Competition” and about 2,300 in the “Okinawa Karate Seminar” from 50 countries and regions around the world. The 2nd Okinawa Karate International Tournament may be scheduled in 2022. All Okinawa karate organizations are working very hard to win “The Okinawa Traditional Karate” listing on “UNESCO’s World Intangible Cultural Heritage List” as soon as possible. Fortunately, Tokyo 2020 gives a very effective movement to Okinawan karate devotees and many karate & kobudo practitioners are coming to Okinawa to study and train themselves at “The Birth place of karate”. Okinawa HQ will be happy to host your karate practice trip to Okinawa.
For the end of my greeting, in Japanese culture 2019 is “The year of Boar”. Though I don’t know whether you like it or not, please enjoy your symbolic animals in the attached table. I pray for your family and your karate life the best in 2019!
Sincerely Yours
Yoshitaka Taira, President of WMKA
- Refer” The Oriental twelve twelve Zodiac sighs from Ancient Chinese Astrology”
会長 平良慶孝
新 年 の 挨 拶
新年あけましておめでとうございます! 皆さまが夫々の国で輝かしい新年を迎えていることをお慶び申し上げます。私達も新しい年を沖縄で家族や友人知人と祝っています。
開催場所については未定ですが、具体的なスケジュールを含めて決定後にWMKA &EMKAウエッブサイトへ掲載します。 私は当連盟の更なる発展を目指して、全会員が「沖縄2020プロジェクト」へ参加することを強く希望致します。
来年度は「東京2020オリンピック」がありますが、沖縄空手界では昨年8月には第1回沖縄空手国際大会を開催し、世界50の国と地域から「型の競技」に約1,200名、「沖縄空手セミナー」に延べ2,300名の参加がありました。「型の競技」は沖縄伝統空手道の各流派の特性を尊重し、①首里・泊手系②那覇手系③上地流系④古武道(棒)⑤古武道(サイ)の5分野で実施されました。第2回沖縄空手国際大会は2022年の開催予定です。沖縄空手界は沖縄伝統空手をユネスコ世界無形文化遺産への登録を目指して一丸となって活動中です。東京2020の影響で「空手発祥の地 沖縄」での空手稽古や勉強のため、沖縄を訪れる空手家が全流派・会派ともに増加しています。沖縄総本部でも空手稽古のため沖縄へ来るWMKAメンバーを大歓迎します。
2019年 元旦