In November 2017, the Matsubayashi-ryu Karate Association of Australia hosted Sensei Toshimitsu Arakaki, Hanshi 10th Dan of the World Matsubayashi-ryu Karate-do Association for his third training tour to Australia.
The national tour commenced with an Open Styles Seminar in the nation’s capital (Canberra), attended by nearly 50 karateka from around the country, including stylists from Matsubayashi-ryu, Goju-ryu, Kyokushin and Shotokan. Sensei Arakaki then visited the Cummings Karate Dojo, for two days of intensive training for both adults and children, where he focused on the practical application of karate for self-defense.
Sensei Arakaki then continued to the Mid-North Coast to host a series of classes at the dojo of Sensei John Carlyle, Australian Chief Instructor, which were attended by more than 30 students each evening, including a contingent from Matsubayashi-ryu dojo in Canberra and New Zealand, including New Zealand Chief Instructor, Sensei Kevin Plaisted.
After three days of training in NSW covering kata, application, kobudo and cultural education, a Dan test was given.