The WMKA/EMKA Matsubayashi Ryu Taikai 2017 was held in Grossefehn/Germany on Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st of May. This yearly event was created by Martin O‘Malley Sensei from Ireland in 2015. In this occasion we received Matsubayashi Ryu Karateka from Spain, Norway, England, Ireland, The Netherlands and Germany.
The following Sensei showed and shared their knowledge in Kata, Kumite, Kihon and Kobujutsu:Camani Sensei 7th Dan Kyoshi from Spain, Tuftedal Sensei 6th Dan Renshi from Norway,
Woolsten Sensei 5th Dan from England, Engels Sensei 4th Dan from Germany, Steeg Sensei 4th Dan from Germany, Halen Sensei 3rd Dan from Norway and O‘Malley Sensei 3rd Dan from Ireland.
Once the Saturday program came to an end (with 5 Sensei transmitting their knowledge to nearly 50 Matsubayashi Ryu Karateka), an event was celebrated with a BBQ at the Timmeler harbour. In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere it was a very nice to social event among Matsubayashi Ryu members; new friends were made and other existing friendships were refreshed. Following the schedule, on Sunday two Sensei also shared their knowledge with the participants. When the 2017 Taikai was over, an impressive long applause of thanks was given to the Sensei for their willingness to share.
It was an amazing event enjoyed very much by all.