宗家 長嶺高兆 追善空手道セミナー&交流演武会2014in 沖縄
Dear WMKA members Merry Christmas 2014and A Happy New Year 2015 !
The event was great and successful because of your support and cooperation. Though, you may be enjoying it on facebook from many dojo owners who attend the events, I will add some news from Okinawa.
We had more than 250 participants including spouses and parents of boys and girls from nine countries around the world. The two-day karate-do seminar was held on both October 31st & November 1 at the Okinawa Prefectural Martial arts hall in Naha City, Okinawa. We had a Dan promotion test, an “Exchange” demonstration and “Exchange” party on November 2, 2014. Please refer to the “Demonstration Program” for detailed information. I will send the program to all dojo owners who couldn’t come to Okinawa because of their health conditions or job situations.
Okinawa Headquarters was very glad and happy to host the many WMKA members from overseas including mainland of Japan. I attached some Snapshot Photos during the events.

The memorial photos of both Founder Shoshin Nagamine and Soke Takayoshi Nagamine with the WMKA flag and the Memorial events banner

The Karate-do seminar was instructed by president Yoshitaka Taira hanshi 10th dan and other high ranking teachers.

Four judges and 25 winners of Dan promotion test.

Kusanku kata bunkai by three top directors from left to right, Toshimitsu Arakaki hanshi 10th dan , Yoshitaka Taira hanshi 10th dan & Iwao Tome hanshi 9th dan.

Above: The last demonstration kata “ Fukyugata Ⅰ”,founded by Shoshi Nagamine Osensei, was commanded by president Taira and performed by all participants to close the Memorial events for Soke.

The above photo was taken during the Memorial Exchange Demonstration on November 2, 2014 at the Okinawa prefectural Martial Arts Hall Rensei Dojo 2nd floor. We had more than 250 participants including parents of boys and girls. Unfortunately, even the professional photographer couldn’t get the whole Dojo floor including the many parent groups into the photo.

Everybody was happy and enjoyed the Exchange party at Southern Plaza Kaiho Hotel from 18:00 to 20:00 after the Memorial Karate Demonstration on November 2, 2014. Many groups jumped on stage spontaneously or reluctantly and exhibited their own country’s old or new folk songs or folk rock. The party was in full swing without an ending and finally was forced out by the Hotel manager at 10pm!
Please refer to the quotes from who attended the events from outside Okinawa including mainland of Japan.
Sincerely Yours
Riki Nomura, Overseas manager of WMKA in Okinawa
Quotes from those who attended the events from outside Okinawa including mainland of Japan.
1.Martin O’Malley 3rd dan Ireland : ‘The Memorial Seminar and Exchange Demonstration for Soke Nagamine in Okinawa was a wonderful opportunity to come together to celebrate the life and teaching of Soke Nagamine, to reaffirm old friendships, to make new ones, and to see the strength of the group which Soke Nagamine has left behind. This event, the first world seminar since his passing, marks the beginning of a new era for Matsubayashi-ryu and the WMKA as we work together to not only maintain, but to build upon his work in promoting Matsubayashi-ryu worldwide.”
2.Steve Will 5th dan New Jersey USA : “It was an honor for my student and I to be part of the WMKA family that got together to keep the memory of Soke alive and in our hearts. We trained with the senior instructors of Matsubayashi-ryu as well as our peers from around the world. We also got to experience the culture and nature of Okinawa.”
3.Steve Woolston 5th dan England : “With being the only dojo in England currently studying Matsubayashi-ryu karate, the recent event in Okinawa allows us a fantastic opportunity to meet, train and become great friends with many other practitioners from throughout the world. I would like to thank all of the teachers throughout the event for their time and patience, and for showing us how Matsubayashi-ryu karate should be performed. “
4.Lara Chamberlain renshi 6th dan California USA : "Kaicho Yoshitaka Taira, President of WMKA, and the entire WMKA Committee stand as the Grand Tree that gives us many branches, strength, and unity. The seminar was well organized, forging a new path into the modern era, yet touched us all with tradition as exemplified by the sharing of Karate-do Sanka. Practitioners gathered from around the globe to give demonstrations of Karate and Kokoro, partaking in the spirit of Okinawa by cultivating friendships."
5.Des Chaskelson 5th dan Florida USA : "I was humbled and privileged and honored to be able to attend the recent WMKA Matsubayashi-Ryu Memorial Seminar in Okinawa 2014 with two of my students, Jason Christian and Stu Warren, who were promoted at the event to shodan and nidan respectively. It was a big honor for us to be there and to perform kata at the Memorial Ceremony for Soke Nagamine and to train with WMKA members from around the world. We look forward to many more years of training and events with the WMKA."
6.Reece Cummings 4th dan Australia:"The recent seminar held in honour of the late Soke Takayoshi Nagamine was a great success and tribute to the strength of an organisation he led. The seminar and training allowed students to experience karate and culture in the birthplace of karate, and has developed their passion for Okinawan karate even further. The experience was especially significant for the children as it has ensured their continued practice into the future."
7.Anthony Gibson 3rd dan Canada : "It was a privilege to participate in the memorial event for Soke Takayoshi Nagamine. I am grateful for the karate and global friendships Soke has given us. It was great to practice karate with fellow WMKA members from around the world. Arigato Gozaimasu.”
8.Guido Engels 4th dan Germany : “I like to say thank you and to all the helping hands in the background and to all the great teachers for your warm and heartily welcome to Okinawa, it was an amazing and unforgettable time for us. During our visit to Okinawa we met old friends and get new friends, that is great. I hope to see you in the near future”.
9.Kevin Plaisted kyoshi 8th New Zealand: “Thank you to all the Matsubayashi Ryu masters, sensei's Taira, Arakaki and Tome, the seminars and memorial demonstrations were a wonderful event to be part of. Another highlight for us was participating at the karate day event on Kokusai Dori, performing Gojushiho with sensei's Steve Trombley, Fred Schlesinger and their members. It was great catching up with all the dojo owners and students from around the world. Fantastic visit and we looking forward to the next world seminar.”
10.Heinz Tessner 3rd dan Germany : “For me it was an amazing time, wonderful organized, perfect conditions. It was great to meet the friends from the last WMKA seminar in 2010 again and it was also fantastic to make new friends. All in the same spirit, all with the same feelings: to support, to learn, to have a great time with Matsubayashi Ryu”.
11.Gerard Cappiello renshi 6th dan New York USA : “I would like to Thank all of the board members and all of the participants for making Soke Takayoshi Nagamine memorial event so successful! But most of all I would like to thank the Nagamine family for bringing Matsubayashi to the world and showing me “THE WAY" for the last 32 years”.
12.Steve Trombley kyoshi 7th dan Canada: It was an honor and a privilege to participate in Soke's memorial in Okinawa. To see all the different dojo from around the world, work in harmony and honor a great man. He touched many lives I will miss his smile.
13.Ryan Yokota 4-Kyu Chicago, IL USA: “Overall I felt that this seminar was a rare honor, and I appreciated immensely the feedback received from the many sensei that helped me to improve on various aspects of my form. The organization of the seminar was superb and I was very happy to have additional opportunities to train with Shinzato-sensei at the Kodokan Shinzato Karate Dojo and with members of the Kanto District Headquarters Karate Dojo after the seminar ended. Seeing the various participants and instructors in action provided me with inspiration to continue to improve and advance in my training. I definitely hope to visit and train again!”Thanks again for all your help in organizing this seminar event!!
14.Fred Schlesinger 5th dan New Mexico USA: “We were very pleased with so many of the wonderful aspects of this year’s “Memorial Karate-Do Seminar and Exchange Demonstration 2014 for Soke.” Our sincere thanks go to the WMKA board and Mr. Riki Nomura in Okinawa for the hard work and successful organization of the event. Seeing, catching up with, meeting and training with so many friends from around the world was fantastic, as was all the great instruction received at the seminar. It was truly wonderful to see so many supportive Matsubayashi-Ryu karateka from around the world come together in such unity and friendship and we believe that both O’ Sensei Nagamine and Soke T. Nagamine would have been tremendously pleased.”
15. Steve Bate 3rddan Arizona USA: “Traveling to Okinawa, the birthplace of Karate-do was a dream I've had for many years and it finally came true. Participating in the memorial seminar for Soke is something that I will never forget. The best part was meeting the leadership of WMKA and the many Matsubayashi-Ryu practitioners from around the world.”
16.Fred Christian kyoshi 8th dan Illinois USA:"The kindness of the leadership during the recent karate seminar was deeply valued by all who attended. The event was well-organized and allowed for the students to focus on meaningful training and camaraderie. Thank you to all who made the event a success.”
17.John Carlyle 5th dan Australia: “The recent Soke Nagamine Memorial Seminar held at the Budokan Building in Naha, Okinawa was a resounding success, as all participants would attest to. The Australian contingent thoroughly enjoyed the training, the unhindered access to important information on Matsubayashi-Ryu karate-do and of course, the comradeship of like-minded karate ka from around the world. Such events organised by the Board of Directors of the WMKA have a profound effect on the standardisation of Matsubayashi-Ryu techniques worldwide and they must be commended on their foresight in achieving this result. I will certainly attend any other organised events in the future as they can be only beneficial to the development of our style of karate-do.”
18.Michael O'Neill 2nd Dan Ireland: “The seminar was a great opportunity for all Matsubayashi practitioners to remember and honour the O Sensei Shoshin Nagamine and Soke Nagamine while providing an opportunity to meet other practitioners from all over the world and to train with the senior instructors of the organisation in Okinawa.”
19.壬生 進紀 錬士6段:長嶺高兆宗家追善空手道セミナー&交流演武大会では、長嶺宗家の教えの元、世界の多くの門下生の皆様が沖縄に集いとても有意義な時間を過ごすことができましたこと、御礼申し上げます。松林流空手は、空手発祥の地である沖縄で脈々と続く伝統空手であります。沖縄伝統空手がユネスコの無形文化遺産に登録することが検討されている中、伝統空手の地位の向上、継承者発展が目的とされその意義が求められています。本物である沖縄空手を後世に伝える役割も私たちにはあるのではないでしょうか。
今後も宗家の教えを心に精進してまいります。- 力まずに鍛えこなしてあの世まで。-
20.林 訓美 教士7段 関東地区本部長 : 全世界から集まった松林流の幹部と仲間が、那覇の武道館一同に会うせた事は、沖縄の諸先生方及び事務局の皆さまのご苦労の賜物と感謝申し上げます。 関東本部が故長嶺将真先生の伝統空手を学び、又、若い人達に自信を持って教えらるのも、こう言う空手道セミナーのお蔭だと思っております。 そして平良先生の形を拝見し、日頃の練習の大切さも学びました。最後に、大会直前に他界し本大会に参加できなかった、当道場の故新美万佐雄3段の息子貴斗への温かい平良会長のお言葉に、関東本部長として感謝申し上げます。
21.小波藏政昭 教士8段 東海地区本部長:沖縄伝統空手道の伝授は、言葉や文字や写真ビデオ等では、本当の姿の伝授は不可能である。昔から武道の妙諦は教外別伝不立文字の極致に於いて会得せらる可きもの也といわれる。即ち武道の本質は心から心へ伝えるもので、文字言句によっては得られないとし、師と弟子は心と心のふれ合いから、いのちがけの体究練磨をへて以心伝心する以外に武芸の伝授の道はない。沖縄総本部の先生方の技に直接触れまたその心に接する大変貴重な機会を与えていただきありがとうございました。 合掌