Dear Dojo Owners around the world,
1. Mailing address change. The payment system of WMKA annual fees is working well because of your support and cooperation. But I want to change the mailing address of Okinawa Headquarters from me to Mr. Riki Nomura, overseas manager in Okinawa, as of today.
The reason for changing the mailing address is to increase the handling speed of the documents in Okinawa. Under the current system, after I have received all your documents, I will call Mr. Nomura to hand out everything to him. He takes the documents back to his home to study and then we meet again to discuss them. Depending on the subject, I can give my decision to him or I have to arrange a top three directors’ meeting and sometimes a full board meeting to answer you.
Although Okinawa is a small island, we still can’t meet very often. Please send all documents including checks to him starting today. However, the checks should be addressed to me and transfer your money to my bank account as revised below. I am sure that this will save time for the handling of documents in Okinawa.
2. Bank Account Name change. The money transfer system is also working smooth. But I want to change it because some Dojo Owners have had hard time at their bank transferring the money. The reason was my “Bank Account Name”. They said it was too long to fill in the squares of the bank format.
Therefore, I have changed my “Bank Account Name” as below.
(1) Current “Bank Account Name” is “ Sekai Matsubayashiryu karatedo Renmei Kaicho Yoshitaka Taira”
(2) Revised “Bank Account Name” is “WMKA President Yoshitaka Taira”.
Both of the two changes are written in red letters in attached “Mailing address and Bank Account Name Change”.
(see below)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sincerely Yours,
President Yoshitaka Taira
World Matsubayashi-Ryu karate-Do Association
※Mailing Address and Bank Account Change
1. Mailing Address
(1) Please transfer your fees by depositing into the Bank account of WMKA President Yoshitaka Taira.
(2) Please send all your documents including checks to Mr. Riki Nomura starting today.
However, the checks should still be addressed to president Yoshitaka Taira as it is now.
(1) President Yoshitaka Taira
World Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do Association
2-19-19Jichaku Urasoe City Okinawa, Japan
(2) Mr. Riki Nomura
WMKA overseas manager
339-29 Kanegushiku Haebaru-cho Okinawa Japan
*Email address:
2. Bank Account Payment:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Name of the bank Branch number and Name Bank Account Name Address of Depositor Bank Account Number SWIFT CODE US Dollar Canadian Dollar Australian Dollar New Zealand Dollar Euro British pound |
The Bank of Okinawa LTD. Branch No.128 Sogenji Branch WMKA President Yoshitaka Taira 2-19-19 Jichaku Urasoe City Okinawa Japan 1281399324 BOKIJPJZ JPMorgan Chase Bank, New York (CHASUS33) Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto (ROYCCAT2) National Australian Bank LTD., Melbourne (NATAAU33033) Bank of New Zealand, Wellington (BKNZNZ22) JPMorgan AG, Frankfurt(CHASDEFX) Barclays Bank PLC, London(BARCGB22) |
※Bank Account Name was changed from “Sekai Matsubayahsiryu Karatedo Renmei Kaicho Yoshitaka Taira” to“WMKA President Yoshitaka Taira”.