75th Anniversary Festival of Matsubayashi-Ryu
and the Original Honbu Dojo
13th Anniversary Tribute to
Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine's Passing
The ceremonial celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do and the 13th Memorial Karate-Do demonstration for the late Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine was a large and exciting event. The event was attended by dojo owners and students from all over the world. Attendees included participants from Spain, Norway, England, Ireland, Germany, Okinawa, Japan (mainland), New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Canada and the USA.
Many participants attended classes at the Honbu Dojo prior to the main events, and, at times, the Honbu was quite packed with students. On Wednesday afternoon, November 3, 2010, a Dan grading was given at the Honbu with a panel of high ranking judges from several countries. Many were promoted to ranks ranging from Shodan to Hachidan levels.
It is estimated that over two hundred Matsubayashi-Ryu practitioners attended the seminar hosted by Soke Nagamine at the government Budokan building. On Thursday, November 4th and Friday, November 5th, the seminar at the Budokan included Kata Ura Waza, Kata review, Yakusoku Kumite and various kata techniques requiring throws and mat work. Many of the senior sensei were involved in making corrections to the very large number of participants. Bento box lunches and beverages were provided to attendees.
The finale of the event occurred Saturday afternoon at the Pacific Hotel in Naha. Various guest dignitaries, as well as Soke Nagamine, Hanshi-Sei, and Yoshitaka Taira, Hanshi, spoke in honor of the late Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine and in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do. This was followed by a large demonstration of Matsubayashi-Ryu kata and weapons by dojos spanning the globe. After the demonstration, the seating was cleared and a grand dinner consisting of delicious dishes and beverages, including Awamori (Okinawan Sake), was served to cap the celebration.
The event provided a great opportunity for attendees to renew old friendships and meet other Matsubayashi-Ryu practioners from around the world. Attendees also had the opportunity to enjoy evening social events together, shop locally in Naha and visit various sites around the island.
United together under the great banner of World Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do Association, training with each other and visiting old friends while forging bonds with new ones, the event was a great success and fun for all who attended.